Subject: Just How Big *is* a Whale? Author: Ronell Sheafer Uploaded By: RonellS Date: 2/3/1994 File: Whale Lesson Plan (2318 bytes) Estimated Download Time (56335 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 2367 Equipment: None Needs: Curious students Keywords: Ronell Sheafer (RonellS), Oceanography, Whales, Grades 3-6, All students Student Activities: Yes Materials Needed: Listed in lesson plan. Lesson Time: This lesson can be completed in one class period, with follow-up activities in following class periods as the teacher desires. Description: When teaching students about whales, I found that they had very little understanding about the tremendous sizes we were discussing. So I came up with this idea that seemed to help them understand just how big these animals really are. I hope it helps your students as well. Objective: Students will compare lengths of six different whales.